BuddhistRoad Paper 1.1. "Five Old Uyghur Abhidharma Texts Containing Brāhmī Elements"


Yukiyo Kasai


It is commonly known that Chinese Buddhist texts were the main source of Old Uyghur Buddhist texts, which means that the majority of them were translated from Chinese. Among them were not only popular Mahāyāna texts but also Chinese apocryphal texts and commentaries. Abhidharma texts were also included in the lists of texts translated from Chinese. These works are noteworthy for the fact that they often contain Chinese characters in them. However, in recent years five Abhidharma texts partly written in Brāhmī script have been identified. In this paper, the comparative study of those five texts as well as their possible originals is presented, and related problems are discussed.

Chinese Translation

众所周知, 汉文佛教典籍是古回鹘文佛教典籍的主要来源, 也就是说, 大部分典籍都是从汉文翻译过来的. 其中不仅有流行的大乘佛经, 还有汉文伪经和释论. 阿毗达摩典籍也是从汉文翻译的典籍之一. 值得注意的是, 这些作品中经常出现汉字. 然而, 近年来发现了五件部分以婆罗米字书写的阿毗达摩文本. 本文对这五件文本及其可能的起源进行了比较研究, 并讨论了一些相关议题.



January 31, 2019


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