BuddhistRoad Paper 7.2 “The Action Phurpa (’phrin las phur pa) from the Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugatas (bKa’ brgyad bDe gshegs ’dus pa), revealed by Nyang-rel Nyima Özer (1124–1192, Tib. Myang ral Nyi ma ’od zer)”
This paper presents the main findings of an in-depth textual study of the core sections of the “’phrin las phur pa [Action Phurpa]” part of Nyang-rel Nyima Özer’s (Tib. Myang ral Nyi ma ’od zer) revealed corpus of the bKa’ brgyad bDe gshegs ’dus pa [The Eightfold Buddha Word, Embodying the Sugatas]. This research suggests that at least this part of the Eightfold Buddha Word revelation represents the survival of an archaic form of practice on the tantric deity, Vajrakīlaya. Its six sections constitute a coherent whole covering complementary aspects of the tantric rituals, while the second section parallels in its entirety a text from the archaeological recovered manuscripts from a Library Cave in Dunhuang (IOL Tib J 331.III), which dates back over a century before Nyang-rel’s time. Here, a critical edition of that second section of Nyang-rel’s Action Phurpa is presented, taking account of all current extant versions, and supported by consideration of the accompanying materials found in the five other sections.
Chinese Translation
本文深入研究了娘热 尼玛沃瑟 (Tib. Myang ral Nyi ma 'od zer)所掘伏藏《 (修部) 八教善逝集 (bKa’ brgyad bDe gshegs ’dus pa) 》中《事业普巴 (phrin las phur pa) 》部分的核心文本. 本研究指出《 (修部) 八教善逝集》的这部分至少代表了一种古老的密宗本尊—普巴金刚修法的延续. 该部分的六品构成了一个连贯的, 相辅相成的密宗仪轨整体, 而其第二品则与敦煌藏经洞考古发现中的一个写本 (IOL Tib J 331.III) 完全相似, 该写本可以追溯到娘热的时代之前一个多世纪. 笔者综合参考了目前所有版本及其他五个部分中的相关材料, 在本文中对娘热之《事业普巴》的第二品做了精校.


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