BuddhistRoad Paper 1.5 "Introduction to Speculative Thinking: A Hitherto Unknown Work of Maja Jangchup Tsöndrü (d. 1185, rMa bya Byang chub brtson ’grus) in Tangut Translation"
This paper is a study of a Tangut Buddhist text translated from a Tibetan treatise on Buddhist epistemology and logic (Skt. pramāṇa, Tib. tshad ma), titled Sew2 ˑjij1 ˑo2 śjij1 dźju1 sji2 lju̱2 tshjịj2 [The Ornament that Clarifies the Introduction to Speculative Thinking] (Tib. *rTog ge la ’jug pa gsal bar byed pa’i rgyan). The paper identifies the author of the text, ‘Master Bodhi Diligence of Central Tibet’ (Tang. Lji2 phə1 gu2 lhjịj2 Po1 tjɨj1 ˑjɨr2 dzji̱j2), with Maja Jangchup Tsöndrü (d. 1185, Tib. rMa bya Byang chub brtson ’grus). Based on an appraisal of the content of the work, this paper observes that the treatise belongs to the genre of summary (Tib. bsdus pa) in the Sangpu Neutok (Tib. gSang phu ne’u thog) scholastic tradition of Buddhist epistemology. In addition to the text’s content, this paper also discusses some features of Tangut manuscripts themselves and attempts to peer into the classroom of Tangut monks. The paper further explores the connection between Maja and the Tangut Empire, especially Maja’s ties to Mt. Mati (Chin. Mati shan 馬蹄山). It concludes that he might have been the same person as ‘Grand Master Diligence’ (Tang. Khu1 dźjij1 mər2 dzji̱j2), who transmitted certain teachings of the Great Seal (Skt. mahāmudrā, Tib. phyag rgya chen po) to the Tanguts.
Chinese Translation
本文研究的是一部西夏佛教文献, 翻译自与佛教量论和因明学(梵文: pramāṇa, 藏文: tshad ma)有关的藏文论典, 标题为《思辨趣入显明庄严》(西夏文: Sew2 ˑjij1 ˑo2 śjij1 dźju1 sji2 lju̱2 tshjịj2 ,藏文: *rTog ge la ’jug pa gsal bar byed pa’i rgyan). 本文认为“精进师”(西夏文: Lji2 phə1 gu2 lhjịj2 Po1 tjɨj1 ˑjɨr2 dzji̱j2) 就是玛恰·绛曲尊珠(公元1185年, 藏文rMa bya Byang chub brtson 'grus). 通过对文本内容的研究, 笔者认为该论属于佛教量论桑浦内乌托(藏文: gSang phu ne’u thog)经院传统中的摄类学(藏文: bsdus pa). 另外, 本文还讨论了西夏文献本身的一些特点, 并试图一窥西夏僧人的课堂. 本文进一步探讨了玛恰与西夏王朝之间的关联, 特别是玛恰与马蹄山的关系, 并得出他可能与“精进师”(西夏文: Khu1 dźjij1 mər2 dzji̱j2)是同一个人的结论, 后者将大手印(梵文: mahāmudrā, 藏文: phyag rgya chen po)的一些教法传到了西夏.


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