BuddhistRoad Paper 2.6 "Esoteric Buddhist Liturgy and Spells in Dunhuang: A Study of the Manuscript P. 2322 and Its Implications”


Henrik H. Sørensen


This essay explores one of the composite manuscripts in the Pelliot Collection of Dunhuang manuscripts (P. 2322), which features a collection of liturgical texts and spells that primarily relate to Esoteric Buddhism from the late medieval period in China. The manuscript in question is of particular interest for its inclusion of several rare and unique liturgical texts, including material belonging to the Vajraśekharasūtra cycle (Chin. Jingan ding jing 金剛頂經) of scriptures, spells from the important Tuoluoni zaji 陀羅尼雜集 [Miscellaneous Collection of Spells], as well as a number of more mainstream Sanskrit texts in transcribed Chinese. Typologically, the P. 2322 represents what is a de facto ‘private compilation,’ i.e., a compendium reflecting the religious interests of an individual practitioner. We know that it is a private compilation because no other copy has been found among the Dunhuang material, even though other manuscripts have been identified as containing a similar type of liturgical material. By analysing the contents and context of P. 2322 we can gain an insight into the workings of Dunhuang Buddhism on the ground during the late medieval period (9–10th centuries).

Chinese Translation

本文探讨了一部属于伯希和藏品的敦煌写卷 (P. 2322).  这一写卷主要收集了中国中古晚期与密宗相关的礼忏文本和咒语. 该写本因其包含了一些罕见且独特的忏文而备受关注, 其中包含属于《金刚顶经》的内容, 重要的《陀罗尼杂集》中的咒语, 以及一些更主流的梵文的汉字转写本. 从类型上看, P. 2322实际上是一份“私人汇编”, 即反映了某位修行者个人宗教旨趣的汇编. 尽管有些写本已被认定包含类似的礼忏内容, 但由于在敦煌写卷中没有发现其他版本, 故推测其为一份私人汇编. 通过分析P.2322的内容和背景, 我们可深入了解敦煌佛教在中古后期 (9–10世纪) 的实际状况.



October 5, 2022

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