BuddhistRoad Paper 2.7 "Tibetan Ritual Texts and the Uṣnīṣavijayādhāraṇī on the First Panel of IOL Tib J 466"


Lewis Doney


This article explores prayer texts written on the first panel of a manuscript whose content links Dunhuang (敦煌) and Central Tibet, IOL Tib J 466. The wider Dunhuang corpus of which this manuscript is part offers scholars a time-capsule from the social and cultural world of first-millennium CE Dunhuang, a melting pot with connections to China, the eastern part of the Silk Road and Tibet. The corpus can also be used, with caution, to compare religious practice there with what we know of Buddhism at the court of the Tibetan emperors in the eighth and ninth centuries especially. One aspect of this is ritual, into which category fall prayer and the related genre of dhāraṇī (Tib. gzungs, Chin. tuoluoni 陀羅尼), and IOL Tib J 466 contains both of these. This article focuses on the first panel of this manuscript, containing invitations to the buddhas of the ten directions, praises to the eight great bodhisattvas and an exemplar of the Uṣnīṣavijayādhāraṇī (Tib. gTsug tor rnam par rgyal ba’i gzungs, Chin. Zunsheng zhou 尊勝咒). Analysing these materials within the context of prayer and dhāraṇī literature evidenced in some of the other Tibetan-language documents from Dunhuang and later canonical Tibetan exemplars and references broadens the description of ritual traditions in the Tibetan imperial (ca. 600–850) and early post-imperial period and within Tibeto-Chinese Buddhist communities in Dunhuang during and after Tibetan imperial control over the region (up to 848).

Chinese Translation

本文探讨了一份内容与敦煌和西藏中部有关的写本(即IOL Tib J 466)首面的愿文. 作为浩繁的敦煌文献的一部分, IOL Tib J 466是公元第一个千年, 与汉地, 丝绸之路东段和西藏有联系的大熔炉—敦煌的社会和文化世界的时间胶囊. 严肃来讲, 敦煌文献也有助于比较敦煌的宗教活动与我们所知的八, 九世纪的藏传佛教活动. 仪轨便是可比较的一个方面, 愿文和相关的陀罗尼 (藏文: gzungs)都属于这个类别, 而IOL Tib J 466同时包含了两者. 本文重点讨论该写本的第一部分, 其中包含了迎请十方诸佛, 赞颂八大菩萨以及《尊胜咒》(藏文: gTsug tor rnam par rgyal ba’i gzungs) 的样本. 综合敦煌其他一些藏文文献以及后来的藏文典籍和参考样本中的愿文和陀罗尼文献分析这些材料, 可以扩大对西藏帝国时期(约公元600–850年)和后西藏时期的仪轨传统, 以及在西藏控制该地区期间和之后(至公元848年)敦煌的藏汉佛教团体中的仪轨传统的描述.



März 3, 2023

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