New Releases

The Argument from Catastrophe in Climate Change – The Need to Go Beyond a (Catastrophic) Precautionary Principle
Something like Climate Ethics 2.0 or Climate Related Energy Ethics 2.0 is needed
So far, we do not know how a (i) functioning, (ii) almost completely decarbonized, (iii) global energy system would look like and how it could be achieved in due time. It is not the case that the means to fight climate change are broadly available and that we are mainly confronted with a problem of missing motivation or execution. Instead, there is still a widespread lack of therapeutic means to tackle the climate problem, and the complexity of the task of bringing about the necessary energy transition is often underestimated. To make progress here, the normative perspective of what must be achieved and what must be avoided can offer important guidance.
For this purpose, climate ethics and climate related energy must no longer confine itself to dealing mainly with general and rather abstract normative questions but must familiarize itself with many details of various problem areas, must understand and evaluate the chances and risks of proposed technological and other solutions and must address the numerous conflicting goals in fighting climate change. Something like Climate Ethics 2.0 or Climate Related Energy Ethics 2.0 is needed.
The CLENET working papers try both to expound these tasks and to contribute to them. They attempt to make both substantial and methodological contributions to the therapy of the climate problem and put them up for discussion.