Laurion. Interdisciplinary Approaches to an Ancient Greek Mining Landscape
Greece, Laurion, mining, archaeology, excavation, finds, landscape development, prehistory and early history, Conference proceedings, mining archaeology, Lawrion, Ancient Greece, archaeometallurgy, archaeometry, lead, silverSynopsis
The cultural and historical significance of the Laurion as well as its exceptional position as one of the major sources of silver, lead and other mineral resources in the eastern Mediterranean since the Early Bronze Age have repeatedly been invoked in numerous publications. In a field such as mining archaeology, scientific progress can only be achieved through interdisciplinary cooperation. With its abundant material remains, the Laurion offers particularly good research conditions for the collaboration between the natural sciences and the humanities. Based on funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG), an international conference on "Ari and the Laurion form Prehistoric to Modern Times" was held in Bochum in November 2019. Speakers form Europe and form Australia presented new research results on Laurion in 23 lectures. Eleven of these are published here, while other contributions are especially written for this volume. Topics address the history of exploration from prehistoric to modern times as well as the entire range of research activities in the Laurion, starting from geoscience and material sciences to history, field archaeology and archaeometallurgy.
Front Matter
Preface of the editors
Geologic and metallogenic overview of the Lavrion mining district: A guide for archaeological exploration
What did the ancient Greeks mine at Laurion and when did they mine it?
Mapping the shafts of Laurion – Contribution to a new geological stratigraphy
Keratea, Attica: Early Helladic silver-lead metallurgy and its pottery context.
Τhe cupellation of argentiferous lead in Mesogeia, East Attica, during the Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age periods – The cupellation workshop at Lambrika
Cupellation and litharge in their technological context at Laurion, Attika (Greece) – From Prehistoric to Hellenistic and early Roman periods.
The prehistoric finds from Mine 3 and their relationship to the Thorikos mining community
Ancient Laurion: Stages, phases and landscape
The diachronic development of the Laurion mining landscape and its relation to process optimization in mining
Laurion – The present state and future scope of research
The trial trenches at Ari/Charvalo in 2016 and the excavation by E. and O. Kakavogianni at Frankolimano Thorikou 1969/70: Preliminary results
Last use and abandonment of the Cistern No. 1 ergasterion at Thorikos: Finds from the lowest levels of the cistern’s fill
A Byzantine rotary hand mill in Thorikos
Flat-bedded washeries at Laurion (Greece): A buddling modelA comparative study between archival and field evidence
Earthen and hydraulic mortars used at Lavrion during classical antiquity (5th – 4th century BC) – A fundamental relationship between earthen building tradition and sophisticated hydraulic binders and concrete
Beyond the silver ‘owls’: Laurion lead and its contribution to synthetic lead-based minerals for the health care/medicines market (4th century BC)
Fiscal and administrative aspects of the Laurion’s mining leases during the 4th century BC
Glossary of special terms of geoscience, mining-archaeology and archaeometallurgy