The Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum (German Mining Museum Bochum, DBM) publishes the series "Publications from the German Mining Museum Bochum". In catalogues, monographs and series - e.g. Montanregion-Harz, the Dürrnberg-Forschungen and Anschnitt Beihefte - results of the historically oriented research and exhibition projects of the DBM and its cooperation partners are presented.
In addition, the archaeometric journal "METALLA" is published under the editorship of the German Mining Museum Bochum and the mining history journal "Der Anschnitt " is published together with the Association of Friends of Art and Culture in Mining (Vereinigung der Freunde von Kunst und Kultur im Bergbau e.V.).
The series "Der Anschnitt, Beiheft" will initially be published electronically via the Open Access platform Open Monograph Press (OMP) in cooperation with the University Library of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
After rights clearance and with the appropriate permission, older DBM publications will also be made available online in the future.