About the Press


The series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German(Scientific Series) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Bände, SLLD-B) focuses on contributions from German didactics as well as from representatives of German didactic reference sciences, as long as they deal with an area of linguistic-literary learning in the broadest sense. In this way, the desire to adopt an interdisciplinary approach also aims, for example, at children's and young people's literature, applied linguistics and literary studies, empirical educational research or the subject area of digitalization and linguistic-literary learning. The series publishes thematically relevant academic monographs such as dissertations and postdoctoral theses, as well as conference proceedings, anthologies or commemorative publications. All formats are subject to a double blind review. The publications are always published online. This enables the authors to increase the visibility and dissemination of their own work. In addition, more complex data sets, materials and appendices can be published in an open access format. On request, in addition to this online publication, a publication as "print on demand" is possible at Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.


The series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German(Propaedeutic Series) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Einführungen, SLLD-E) provides easy-to-understand introductions to German didactics. Impulses from relevant reference sciences are included. The volumes are intended for all those interested in the scientifically based teaching of language and literary learning. The series is aimed at all types of schools, although volumes with a school-specific focus are also possible. The texts are aimed at beginners, but are also suitable for advanced students, trainee teachers and teachers. They can be used in conjunction with courses or in self-study. Previous knowledge for the reading material is not necessary.


The series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German(Praxis Projects) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Unterrichtsvorhaben, SLLD-U) presents practical teaching projects, ideally tested in practice, which are suitable for use as models for competence-promoting teaching of German as a school subject. The projects are didactically well-founded, analytically prepared, and offer implementation possibilities. The materials provided should be freely accessible and teachers should be able to adapt and develop them further (the principal of Open Educational Resources).

Language, literature or media didactic projects are equally welcome welcome as projects that reflect current cross-sectional school topics such as inclusion, "education in the digital world" or "education for sustainable development" in relation to language and literature learning. The series is aimed at teachers (including trainee teachers), those involved in teacher training and university students.


The Journal for Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Zeitschrift für Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik, SLLD-Z) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, scientific Open Access journal. It publishes new theoretical and conceptual work, empirical studies and historically oriented research contributions on linguistic, literary and media acquisition and teaching processes in formal and informal educational contexts. These are supplemented by overview reports on individual fields of research and conference proceedings. The inclusion of interdisciplinary and international contributions as well as the openness towards different theoretical and methodological research traditions, will enable us to keep pace with scientific developments beyond German didactics. You can find the journal here.