Call for papers SLLD-E

Manuscripts can be submitted unsolicited for peer review at any time - the editorial staff of SLLD-B is looking forward to your contributions!

Profile of the series

In the series Language and Literature Learning and Didactics of German (Propaedeutic Series) (Sprachlich-Literarisches Lernen und Deutschdidaktik – Einführungen, SLLD-E) comprehensible introductions to German didactics are published. Impulses from relevant reference sciences are included. The volumes address all those who are interested in the scientifically based teaching of linguistic-literary learning. The series is aimed at all types of schools, although volumes with a school-specific focus are also possible. The texts are aimed at beginners, but are also suitable for advanced students, trainee teachers and teachers. They can be used in conjunction with courses or in self-study. Previous knowledge for the reading material is not necessary.

We are looking for volumes that introduce a section of a clearly defined and relevant area of German didactics in an understandable way. Such introductions may, for example, concern a single topic (such as The Noun and its Didactics) or a research method (such as Loud Thinking in German Didactics), which they examine from the perspectives of different approaches and for which they appropriately combine subject science, subject didactics and subject teaching.

Accordingly, introductions that provide a broad overview (such as Introduction to Integrative German Didactics or Empirical Research Methods in German Didactics) are less in demand. Nevertheless, the individual volumes embed their topic in other areas of German didactics. They present suitable case studies with reference to the current state of research, practice, and curriculum.

All volumes follow a uniform, tripartite structure:

  • Embedding of the subject
  • Subject matter in scientific/subject didactic interaction
  • Discussion and Controversies/Continuation

The volumes are characterized by a high degree of user-friendliness: They contain clear definitions, overviews and abstracts, summaries, appropriate progressive exercises, a glossary, adequate references (including further reading) and further references to materials (overviews, journals related to teaching, etc.):